Going Global

Oi Sample is an enterprising Market Research Sample search, evaluation and acquisition service. We provide access to local, regional and world samples that offer your project scale, accessibility and speed of delivery, even for hard-to–find and niche samples.

We also manage and undertake fulfilment for many of our client’s projects operating as an extension of their own research capabilities (i.e. outsourced resource) and sometimes in Partnership with them. The Sectors within which we currently run Global projects include Financial, Consumer Durables, Technology and Media.

Oi Sample is clearly a trusted resource for these clients, but this sense of trust we extend to all our clients working in total confidence with them. Our independence means we do not have to consider who owns which panel and which group is involved – as many research companies and marketing organisations who own panels now do – before we make our decisions. This is why our decisions are simple, distilled and easy to explain and justify.

If you browsed About Oi Sample before you landed on Going Global you would know we operate as a Sample intermediary. We procure our Market Research Sample from existing panels and associated resources using a strict set of selection criteria, which is informed by our unique S.A.A.F.E. effectiveness model and our market knowledge. This approach introduces the discipline of strategic planning to the Market Research Sample Selection and Acquisition process, something which clients know is essential to a successful global research study even if the fact is often lost on the panel companies whose currency is “respondents” not insights.

In The Oi Advantage we explain how we add value across all points and in Inter Market how we use our location in Europe to help our global partners with dealing with the time logistics of running a global research project. But we would expect you already know that because we find that people who run global projects tend to check the fine detail because the consequences of not doing so can be substantial in terms of cost and time.

The amount of time a global project can absorb, even if it goes exactly to plan, cannot be overstated. And though we use our market knowledge and volume to extract value, we are frequently told that we deliver the greatest value by returning to our clients their executive time and delivering a project on schedule.

Unsurprisingly “time saved” is one of the four cornerstone attributes of our business model; with the others being “safe hands, logistics handling and the appraisal and evaluation process. If these are the “Add Values” then Value delivered and Trust and Confidentiality are the “givens”. These components are all equally Important because they differentiate our service and define it to our clients. However nothing supersedes performance because without it we cannot deliver our ultimate objective: client satisfaction and piece of mind.

Expressed at its most simple we add value by delivering “Universal Market Research Sample Solutions with Enterprise”. This means we use our initiative, resourcefulness and experience to drive project performance and to shield our clients from time loss and complexity. Trust is a more complex property to deliver but if you give us an opportunity to “Go Global” with you, you may find it’s easily given.

Oi Sample is an enterprising Market Research Sample search, evaluation and acquisition service. We provide local, regional and world samples that offer you scale, accessibility and speed of delivery, even for hard-to-find and niche samples.

