The Oi Advantage

Oi Sample adds advantage by delivering Universal Market Research Sample Solutions with Enterprise. This means we use our initiative, resourcefulness and experience to drive project performance and to shield our clients from time loss and complexity. Simple is good, but we pride ourselves on outperforming even when the scale, scope, volumes, intensity and deadlines make projects a challenge. The Oi Advantage Drivers listed below show just how.

As the more experienced market researcher knows all too well the scope and size of the project is not always the key determinant of complexity. Frequently the greatest difficulty is finding the right (discreet) audience to question, or in establishing that the respondent sample offers a sufficiently high level of data integrity on which to hang a large Investment decision.

And if that insight hasn’t focused your attention on why it could be a good idea to let a skilled planner/practitioner manage your surveys next journey across the sample landscape the following ones could:

  • The seemingly quickest way from A to B is not always the best – or the quickest!
  • The cheapest point–to–point service doesn’t always produce the most satisfactory result.
  • Premium pricing doesn’t always mean a premium service or premium results
  • Journey planning is essential but can often be more labour intensive that the trip itself!
  • Some suppliers may have as much interest in what you’re learning from your journey as you do!

We find the same experienced market researcher nodding intently in agreement as they embrace the metaphor and see the parallel with their own labour intensive efforts to acquire and apply market research sample when we first introduce these statements. This is because they frequently ask themselves - “why am I spending so much time monitoring my project quotas”, “Is doing sample search and acquisition the best use of my time”, “What is survey quality?”, “How reliable is this sample provider?”, “Why can I not get an answer to my question after 5pm?”, “Which Marketing or Research Group owns this Panel?” “How can I manage a project across 3 time zones on my own” – And fail to challenge their sample suppliers on these issues.

So, as you can see, the road to delivering an efficient and effective online research project is full of potential pot holes and fast flowing rivers to cross. A fact which suits us fine as we tend to see our work with clients as “flows” (especially apt as we have a highly loyal client base) and each study as an individual “journey”. An attitude which we believe keeps our relationships vital and projects focused on the end result.

The mechanics of our service are outlined in About Oi Sample so forgive any overlapping information here - and the unapologetic continuance of the motoring metaphor - as we summarise what constitutes The Oi Advantage: Drivers:

  • Safety Shell : We provide insulation as your partner from the pitfalls and the hassle
  • Higher Gears : Knowing when to change supplier and speed is the Oi Advantage
  • Better Lap Times : Because this is our specialisation we get to the finish in a timely way
  • Straight Line Speed : We know ways to accelerate when things hit the slow lane
  • Off Road : We have the knowledge to find the “hard to get” and “the hard to find”
  • Comfortable Driving Position : The Oi Sample Promise is “less stress more control”

Oi Sample is an enterprising Market Research Sample search, evaluation and acquisition service. We provide local, regional and world samples that offer you scale, accessibility and speed of delivery, even for hard-to-find and niche samples.

