About Oi Sample

Based near London, UK, Oi Sample is an independent performance driven Market Research Sample Search, Selection and Fulfilment Intermediary. Created in 2006 as a response to the increase in complexity within the sample marketplace, we offer a knowledge based outsource solution which addresses both direct (e.g. financial cost) and indirect costs (e.g. labour hours expended, quality thresholds, impact of panel ownership ) and improves efficiency across the spectrum.

  • Oi Sample provides valid respondents (“sample”) to clients undertaking Market Research Projects – Anywhere!
  • Oi Sample does not own its own panels but procures sample, using its unique S.A.A.F.E model to inform each selection, from existing Market Research Panels and Resources – Everywhere!
  • Oi Sample identified in 2006 that the Market Research Sample marketplace was a dynamic but informally regulated one, and that evaluation and selection of sample was required – Every Time!
  • Oi Sample evolved into the agile, adaptive, professional, client focused market research sample provider to the market research industry it is today by challenging the market and itself too! - Each and Every Day!
  • Oi Sample conducts market research projects of all scopes, shapes and sizes sometimes working as agent, sometimes as preferred partner (“safe hands”) for clients who want to improve efficiencies – Time, Results and Money!
  • Oi Sample can become your outsourced agent (on any scale). Price is always a discriminator but so is indirect cost: the cost of labour searching, negotiating, monitoring and collating – Time is Money!
  • Oi Sample is passionate about panel integrity and respondent performance: Because the cost to clients of not being so is a study that is not fit for purpose or at all purposeful - The mirror never lies!

We use a model called S.A.A.F.E to regiment the Sample Facilitation and Fulfilment process. However working within the process we remain agile, adaptive and innovative in our approach. The acronym stresses the core quality of a good outsourced Market Research Sample Practitioner: “Safe and Trusted”. And the individual elements stress a discipline not usually associated with a sector often referenced as “The Wild West” because of low levels of regulation, and a magnet for “Venture Capital” because of low entry costs and high returns. In applying our model we seek to achieve good quality rewards from sensible realistic investment.

The Oi Sample S.A.A.F.E Model

  • Search/Selection: We use the most appropriate sample for your project.
  • Appraisal : We constantly monitor panels to review their drivers of quality and performance
  • Acquisition: We know the market. And pay economical rates for the better performers
  • Facilitation/Fulfilment : Having selected and appraised we monitor and deliver
  • Evaluation: We review across the whole fieldwork period to ensure your projects success.

Oi Sample is an enterprising Market Research Sample search, evaluation and acquisition service. We provide local, regional and world samples that offer you scale, accessibility and speed of delivery, even for hard-to-find and niche samples.

