European and UK Projects

If you have already read the About Oi Sample section you will know how we operate and that we are completely independent from any other panel organisation. Oi Sample procures Market Research Sample from existing panels and associated resources using a strict set of selection criteria, which is informed by our unique S.A.A.F.E. effectiveness model and comprehensive market knowledge.

Inter-Continental and Regional Samples

Market Research Sample provision is a global activity. Wherever research is needed respondents are too. We work on an inter-continental basis - not just within Europe and the UK - to deliver those respondents efficiently and competitively to you.

As saving time, along with safe professional hands, logistics handling, the appraisal and evaluation process are the drivers for our business, it won't come as any surprise that we understand the reality of the time pressed client and accordingly make a few smart suggestions. If you’re a based in North America, Far East or outside The European Community move straight on to read the “Inter Market” section below and then swing by Global Projects or The Oi Advantage. For those located in Europe jump on down to the “Intra Market” and “Single Market” sections.

Inter Market: Europe From The Outside

If you’re based in a non - European market then the benefit of having an independent partner operating on your behalf within the EU, with its multiple countries and time differences is very appealing. Hopefully becoming compelling when it is explained that this partner actively interrogates and challenges the market as you would, and works within your budgets to match or improve upon on costs whilst absorbing the time consuming impact of managing the logistics of respondent completion - and project fulfilment - if we also host.

Substantial benefits accrue to those organisations most affected by time differences – particularly from those based in the USA and the Far East. Stretched by the logistical problems of trying to recruit and manage shortfalls from a “time warping” position, many resort to single global companies (whose capabilities may vary across markets) or find themselves being guided by a variety of panel companies based in the host markets, which restricts planning and potentially performance.

No matter how competent they initially perform, it is unlikely that they have full European reach, or are able to sustain consistent quality across all countries over time. The Oi Sample proposition returns the ability to clients to plan and interrogate all panels without restriction, and within an environment where issues such as consistent recruitment strategies, historic performance, cost comparatives and quality thresholds are of paramount consideration not a sidebar issue.

Intra Market: Getting Inside Europe’s Complexity

For those companies based within the Europe the appeals of our outsourced service are similar. We possess intensive knowledge and have extensive reach across the continent which can be used to supplement your own resources or alternatively deliver a full outsourced solution. Europe is a highly diverse and challenging market and we are perfectly positioned to manage the selection, appraisal and acquisition process in order to achieve key project performance criteria and competitive costs: recalibrating activity based executive time as we go.

The time saving element stretches beyond the Search/ Selection and acquisition stages when we script and host, as we acquire responsibility for the projects fulfilment, as well as delivering the right respondents to the survey. The process becomes a seamless one at this level and one with very tangible benefits to organisations (e.g. research, media, marketing) who are magnetically drawn to innovative agile and adaptive solutions that improve performance and save time.

We know from our existing long term clients that they grossly under estimated the time taken to recruit and research a representative sample; especially if they regularly use non standard audiences, attitudinal, behavioural, or ownership criteria rather than standard demographic samples. These sorts of intricacies draw in highly qualified and experienced practitioners and suck out time from the organisations. A problem we are can almost instantly solve.

Single Markets: Not Just “The Single Market”

For single markets, especially when these are home markets (i.e. UK based organisations based within UK) we still manage to match or improve costs in a high proportion of cases even though often historic relationships or volume arrangements are in place. In the remainder of cases the value added comes from the benefit of safe hands, logistics handling, and the appraisal and evaluation process and timed saved. These are the four cornerstones of the Oi Sample service model with earned trust and professionalism occupying the centre ground.

As you can see a pure cost benefit, though an omnipresent factor in every calculation, is not always the main reason we win single market projects. In recessionary times against a backdrop of intensifying client demand and scarcity of resource, the time spent focused on what adds value to a client’s project – usually appraisal and evaluation of the results - has never been more important. We allow you to get on with adding value using your specialist skills while we added value from the input end using our specialist skills.

Oi Sample is an enterprising Market Research Sample search, evaluation and acquisition service. We provide local, regional and world samples that offer you scale, accessibility and speed of delivery, even for hard-to-find and niche samples.

